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Protect Your Website Today

Minimum Requirements

PHP 5.6 or Higher (up to and including 8.3.19)(PHP 7.x or 8.x Recommended)
MySQL 5.5 or Higher (up to and including 10.6.21-MariaDB)
Apache 2.2 or Higher (up to and including 2.4)
PHP MySQLi Extension
PHP cURL Library
PHP FTP Extension
PHP ZipArchive Class
Apache mod_rewrite Module
Unix or *nix Operating Systems (including but not limited to Unix, Linux, FreeBSD, CentOS, Red Hat Linux, Fedora, Mandrake Linux)

Checking Server Requirements (PHP and MySQL)

1. Download our check script.

2. Unzip the file ( on your computer locally to extract the check.php file. If you want to check MySQLi requirements, edit the database parameters at the top of the file: enter values for a database (existing one or one created for this check). Then upload (e.g., via FTP) check.php to your web server.

3. Visit the script via your web browser:

4. Afterwards, delete file (e.g., via FTP) from your server.

Note that to check Apache modules and type web server operating system (OS), you will need to ask your web host since these cannot be checked in the PHP environment via check.php.

Optional Requirements

Additional requirements if you use the optional AuthForm (AF) Plugin

Apache mod_auth_form Module
Apache mod_request Module
Apache mod_session Module
Apache mod_session_cookie Module
Apache mod_session_crypto Module

Apache mod_session_crypto Module is optional. Available in Apache 2.3 and later. Strongly recommended to provide privacy (security) to user sessions. If you get a server error during authentication, often it is related to the server not running Apache 2.3. If you are, then the module is not installed. You can get around this by removing the line from your .htaccess file that looks like the following:

SessionCryptoPassphrase SomEtH1n9